HR Practices of the Container Store*



Case Code : CLSDM017
Publication date : 2005
Subject : Sales and Distribution
Industry : Retailing
Length : 04 Pages
Price : Rs. 100

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Key words:

Container Store, Kip Tindell, Garrett Boone, John Mullen, Storage and Organization Products Retailer, Housewares Industry, Niche Marketing Strategy, Customer Service, HR Practices, Employee Turnover, Recruitment, Hiring, Employee Referrals, Compensation Package, Employee Training, 401K Plan, Health Benefits, Celebration Mail Box, Reward, Recognition Programs, 100 Best Companies To Work For


* This caselet is intended for use only in class discussions.
** More comprehensive case studies are priced at Rs.200 to Rs.700 (US $5 to US $16) per copy.


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The caselet details the US-based leading storage and organization products retailer The Container Store's HR practices. It details the recruitment process followed by the company. The caselet goes on to talk about the attractive compensation plan and generous benefit package that The Container Store offered to its employees. It also describes the open work culture at the company.


» Hiring and training sales personnel
» Compensating sales personnel
» Motivating sales force


The Container Store established by Kip Tindell (Tindell), Garrett Boone (Boone), and John Mullen in 1978 was a leading storage and organization products retailer in the US. The store offered a range of storage solutions for home and office needs that were aimed at optimizing the customer's space as well as time.

By the end of 2004, it had a presence in 33 locations across the country. The company maintained a consistent 20-25% annual sales growth rate since its inception...

Questions for Discussion:

1. "The key is for all employees to have an obsession with learning, then tune in to their intuition and apply it to almost any business situation." What is the rationale behind The Container Store's emphasis on continuous employee training?

2. The compensation plan plays an important role in motivating the employees in an organization. Discuss the characteristics of the compensation plan offered by The Container Store. What are the benefits and pitfalls of such a compensation plan?
