Nokia's Strategy in India
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Case Details:
Case Code : BSTR174 Case Length : 19 Pages Period : 1998-2005 Organization : Nokia India Pub Date : 2005 Teaching Note : Available Countries : India Industry : Telecom
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
Bouncing Back
Nokia was quick to learn from its mistakes and adopted strategies to
regain its lost market share. Globally, during the first quarter of
2005, the company's sales reached 7.4 billion euros, with the
company selling 54 million phones during the period. In India, Nokia
continued its leadership in GSM with a market share of 74% in March
2005. Nokia also surpassed Samsung in color mobiles in the GSM
segment, recording a share of 55% in the same month (Refer Table
VIII for share of major mobile phone brands in the GSM segment and
their market shares).
Nokia reorganized itself at the global level in 2004. At this point,
a multimedia division was formed.

The division's Indian operations concentrated on promoting
the concept of high-end telephones in smaller towns while going in for higher
volumes in larger cities. The marketing division of the company concentrated on
making distributors in small towns sell high-end products. Though, the
distributors were skeptical to start with, by the end of 2004, the process was
streamlined and the results started to show...
The Future Prospects
According to industry analysts, by 2010, the mobile phones industry in
India will be driven by voice, multimedia and mobile services for
organizations. The teledensity in India was estimated to increase to
18.2% by March 2009, with mobile subscription rising to 148.77
million by that time. In many instances, the cell phone has become
the only basic telephone link of a household/enterprise in India,
rather than a landline phone. It was turning out to be more
economical and efficient than fixed line telephones. So, there was
great scope for further expansion with reduction in the cost of
ownership... |
Exhibit I: Nokia's Product Range in India Exhibit II: Advertisement Campaign for Nokia India
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