Intel Corporation: European Union Antitrust Case
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Case Details:
Case Code : ECON030
Case Length : 25 Pages
Period : 2001-2009
Pub. Date : 2009
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Intel Corporation
Industry : Computers, IT and ITeS
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
Intel Responds to the SSO
Intel filed a response to the SSO, on February 5, 2009, soon after the CFI had rejected its appeals. In its response, Intel made a request for an oral hearing with the EC...
EC Slaps Fine
On May 13, 2009, after having conducted investigations for several years, the EC concluded that Intel had
"violated EU competition rules by exploiting its dominant position with a deliberate strategy to shut out AMD."...
Intel's Response to EC's Decision
The fine imposed by the EC came as a shock to Intel. The company felt that the EC's decision was wrong and said it would appeal to a European Court in Luxembourg. The company maintained that it had not done any harm to consumers. According to Otellini,
"There has been absolutely zero harm to consumers. Intel will appeal."...
The Road Ahead
In view of the EC ruling, some analysts contended that the overwhelming market share that Intel enjoyed was due to its anti-competitive practices. They felt that its market share had become a major impediment to innovations in the microprocessors industry...
Exhibit I: Chronology of Events in the Intel – EU Antitrust
Exhibit II: Intel's Financials
Exhibit III: Intel's –Product Innovation and Marketing
Exhibit IV: Intel's Products
Exhibit V: A Brief Note on AMD
Exhibit VI: EU Competition Policy
Exhibit VII: Intel's Allegedly Abusive Marketing Practices between 2002 and 2007