Credit Risk Management at ABN AMRO
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Case Details:
Case Code : FINA021
Case Length : 15 Pages
Period : -
Pub. Date : 2005
Teaching Note :Not Available
Organization : -
Industry : Banking & Financial Services
Countries : Netherlands
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Global Strategic Business Units
Each of ABN's Strategic Business Units (SBUs) was responsible for managing a distinct client segment or product segment, while also sharing expertise and operational excellence across the Group...
Risk Framework
ABN's comprehensive risk management framework aimed at combining centralized policy setting with broad oversight, supported by risk execution and monitoring in the Group's network...
Risk Governance
The Managing Board established the strategic risk philosophy and policies for ABN under the oversight of the Supervisory Board. Responsibility for the overall implementation of risk policy lay with the CFO, who was a member of the Managing Board...
Organization of Group Asset and Liability Management
ABN had established an Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO) structure mirroring the bank's organization. Under this structure there was a Group ALCO at Group level and an ALCO in its client-facing business units, each responsible for managing the Asset and Liability Management (ALM) process in its own particular area of interest...
Organization of Group Risk Management
The Group Risk Committee (GRC), whose voting members were drawn mainly from GRM, was the most senior committee on policy and exposure approval for credit, country and market risk...
Risk Management and Internal Controls
Despite the creation of the formal GRM organization, ABN viewed more broadly as the responsibility of all departments in the bank. So risk was taken into account from the inception of a transaction through to its completion...
Exhibit 1: Revenues in 2004 per SBU in %
Exhibit 2: Total Revenue
Exhibit 3: Financial Highlights
Exhibit 4: Risk Governance Organizational Structure
Exhibit 5: Total Loans Analyzed by SBU Breakdown
Exhibit 6: Provisioning as a % of Average Risk-Weighted Assets
Exhibit 7: Non-Performing Loans
Exhibit 8: C&CC – Total Private Sector Loans by Business Unit
Exhibit 9: Specific Provisioning by SBU
Exhibit 10: Cross-Border Risk Exposures
Exhibit 11: Sovereign Risk Exposures