Royal Ahold NV - The US Foodservice Accounting Fraud
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Case Details:
Case Code : FINC044
Case Length : 18 Pages
Period : 2000-06
Pub Date : 2007
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Royal Ahold NV, US Foodservice
Industry : Retailing Countries : US/Netherlands
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Introduction Contd...
According to John Hatherly, Head, Global Analysis, M&G Asset Management6,
"Ahold's accounting irregularities revive unpleasant memories. This is the main
driver of the share price today as an investor just cannot trust the company's
figures."7 (Refer Exhibit I for share price chart of Ahold). The auditors of
Ahold, Deloitte & Touche8 said that it had warned Ahold about the accounting
problems in the USF. Deloitte said that Ahold had misled them and did not
provide them with the information required to investigate the irregularities. In
this context, Deloitte issued a letter to Ahold on February 24, 2003, stating
that it would not stand by its earlier opinion regarding the correctness of
Ahold's financial statements as mentioned in the annual reports of 2000 and
In the letter, Deloitte stated that Ahold needed to restate its accounts for
2000 and 2001. According to Lynn Turner, former chief accountant at The
United States Securities and Exchange Commission9
(SEC), "Although Deloitte uncovered the problems in the past few weeks, it
should have done so much earlier."10
About Ahold
Ahold had been managed by the Heijn family for over three generations.
Albert Heijn (Albert) took over management of his father's grocery store in
Zaandam near Amsterdam in 1887, at the age of 22. Albert's untiring efforts
made the store very popular for its high quality, reasonably priced products
and services. Soon Albert opened a second store in Alkmaar, another town in
the Netherlands. By 1897, the store count increased to 23. They were located
in different parts of the Netherlands including the Hague and Amsterdam. In
1911, the first Albert Heijn branded products were introduced... |
Excerpts >>