Organizational Culture at Dreamworks Animation
Case Details:
Case Code: HROB163
Case Length: 19 Pages
Period: 1994-2013
Organization: DreamWorks Animation SKG
Pub Date: 2013
Teaching Note: Not Available
Countries: USA
Industry: Animation Films
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Background Note
In the fall of 1994, Spielberg co-founded DreamWorks Studios SKG, along with Katzenberg and Geffen. Geffen was a music mogul and Katzenberg was an executive at Walt Disney . After Katzenberg left Disney in 1994, he approached Geffen to start an entertainment studio. According to Katzenberg, "David had just sold his record company and made his third or fourth billion. Steven had just won an Oscar for Schindler's List and released Jurassic Park. I had been fired from my job and was out of work."
In the fall of 1994, Spielberg co-founded DreamWorks Studios SKG, along with Katzenberg and Geffen. Geffen was a music mogul and Katzenberg was an executive at Walt Disney . After Katzenberg left Disney in 1994, he approached Geffen to start an entertainment studio. According to Katzenberg, "David had just sold his record company and made his third or fourth billion. Steven had just won an Oscar for Schindler's List and released Jurassic Park. I had been fired from my job and was out of work."
The first letters of the founders' names were added as a suffix to the name of the company. The company comprised a television unit, an animation unit, and a live action unit. DreamWorks was the first major studio to be created from scratch since the 1930s in the USA. By then, the animation industry had become highly dynamic and competitive with studios like Pixar's Animation Studios Inc. (Pixar), Disney, Blue Sky Studios etc., being firmly established. (Refer to Exhibit II for the list of major Animation Studios)
DreamWorks' animation division was headed by Katzenberg, who brought in many of his colleagues from Disney to DreamWorks. With the closure of Spielberg's Amblin unit in UK, its employees too joined DreamWorks
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