Reorganizing ABB - From Matrix to Consumer - Centric Organization
Structure (B)
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB033
Case Length : 13 Pages
Period : 1998 - 2002
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : ABB
Industry : Power, Transportation, Financial Services
Countries : Switzerland
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Structure (B) case study
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Customer-Centric Organization
On January 1, 2001, Jorgen Centerman became the CEO of ABB. Centerman was driven
by a modern outlook, which revolved around serving the customers better by using
IT. He conducted an analysis of ABB's customers, which revealed that the top 200
of them accounted for 30 percent of the company's revenues in 2000. Of this, 180
clients purchased their requirements from one ABB unit. The top 200 clients
spent 8% of their total product expenditure on ABB's products. Based on the
results of his analysis, Centerman soon announced major changes in Lindahl's
group organization structure. In his new customer-centric organization
structure, the entire ABB group was re-aligned around customer groups...
Restructuring by Dormann
Jurgen Dormann became the CEO of ABB in September 2002. He felt that the
restructuring exercise initiated by his predecessor was not yielding the
desired results. In order to further simplify ABB's organization structure,
he created two new divisions - the Power Technologies Division by merging
the Utilities division with the Power Technology Products division; and the
Automation Technologies Division by merging the Industries division with the
Automation Technologies Products division...
The ImplicationsAccording to the analysts,
the changes in the organizational structure of ABB, made by Lindahl,
Centerman and Dormann resulted in the centralization of authority in the
hands of global managers based in ABB's headquarters. As a consequence,
the strategy of "think globally, act locally," for which ABB was
renowned, suffered a setback.
Analysts felt that under Lindahl, ABB had benefited by creating three
new business segments. The positive financial results were reflected in
the financial year 1998, the first year of implementing the new
structure... |
Exhibit I: Financial Performance of ABB
Exhibit II: Abb's Organization Structure Under Lindahl (1998)
Exhibit III: Abb's Customer-Centric Organization (2001-02)
Exhibit IV: Jorgen Centerman's Customer-Centric Organization (2001-02)