Jack Welch and Jeffrey Immelt - Continuity and Change in Strategy, Style
and Culture at GE
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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN040
Case Length : 22 Pages
Period : 1981-2006
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : General Electric Company Industry : Diversified
Countries : USA
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Strategy, Style and Culture at GE case study
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Jack Welch
Welch, the son of a railway conductor, was born on November 19, 1935 at Salem,
Massachusetts. He studied chemical engineering at the University of
Massachusetts, from where he graduated in 1957. He then moved to the University
of Illinois, where he received his Masters and Ph.D in chemical engineering.
Welch joined GE in 1960 as a junior engineer at a salary of $10,500 per annum.
He was not happy with the excessively bureaucratic culture of the company. In
1961, soon after he completed his first year at GE, he put in his papers as he
was disappointed with the $1000 raise he received.
He accepted a job at a company called International Minerals & Chemicals
Corporation. But just a few days before he was due to leave GE, Reuben
Gutoff (Gutoff), Welch's immediate superior, took him out to dinner and
spent four hours trying to convince him to stay with GE. Gutoff promised
Welch that he would try to create a good work atmosphere for him - one that
would combine a "small-company environment, with big-company resources." He
also assured Welch that he would keep him from getting entangled with GE's
Jeffrey Immelt
Immelt was born in 1956 in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father was an employee of
GE's Aircraft Engines division. As a child, Immelt was active in sports and
was on the football and basketball teams at his school. He majored in
mathematics from Dartmouth College in the late 1970s, after which he joined
Proctor & Gamble Co. (P&G) as a member of its brand management team. After
about a year with P&G, Immelt enrolled for an MBA from Harvard. On finishing
his course, he joined GE as a marketing executive in 1982 at the company's
headquarters in Fairfield, Connecticut. |
Exhibit I: GE's Share Prices
Exhibit II: A Note on Six Sigma
Exhibit III: GE's Revenues 1981-2000 (in Millions of US Dollars)
Exhibit IV: GE's Revenues and Earnings
Exhibit V: Some of GE's Business Acquisitions under Immelt
Exhibit VI: GE's Business Reorganization in 2005