Warren Buffett - The Investment Guru
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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN027
Case Length : 17 Pages
Period : 1970-2003
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Berkshire Hathaway group of companies
Industry : Investment
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Buffett - Early Days
Buffett was born on August 30, 1930 to Howard and Leila Buffett of Omaha
(Nebraska State). He was the only son among the three children in the family.
Even as a child, Buffett displayed keen interest in numbers. He could remember
the baseball scores, and the horseracing odds; anything to do with numbers
fascinated him. He also displayed a flair for money. While other kids of his age
spent time playing, Buffett was busy making money. At the age of five, he set up
a gum stand on the sidewalk at his home and sold chewing gum to passersby.
During the summers, he made money selling lemonade. When Buffett was nine years
old, he along with a few friends, collected golf balls from the local golf
course, segregated them according to their brand names, repacked and sold them.
He earned $3 per day by selling these golf balls. Even when he was struck by a
mysterious disease and hospitalized, he spent his time thinking of numerous
business plans to earn money. As a child, his favorite books included - 'One
Thousand Ways to Make $1,000', 'Building a Business on Homemade Fudge' and
'Mrs. MacDougall Turned $38 into a Million.' In later years, commenting on
his love for making money, Buffett said, "It's not that I want money. It's
the fun of making money and watching it grow."6
Buffett was introduced to the world of stocks by his father who opened his
own stock brokerage firm. Soon the young Buffett started keenly observing
the ups and downs of the stock market. In 1941, at the age of eleven,
Buffett took his first plunge into the world of stocks. He purchased three
shares of Cities Services for himself and three shares for his older sister
Doris for $38 a share. Soon after he bought the shares, the stock price of
Cities Services dropped to $27 and later rose again to $40. Immediately
after the stock price reached $40, Buffett sold his shares. However, soon
after Buffett sold the shares, the price of Cities Services' shares
increased to $200. This experience taught Buffett his first stock market
lesson - patience. |
When Buffett was 12 yrs old, his father was elected to the
Congress and the family moved to Washington. However, young Buffett started
feeling home sick and started complaining about his health. He wrote a letter to
his grandfather telling him that he was unhappy at Washington. His grandfather
suggested to Buffet's parents that the child be allowed to return to Omaha to
complete his 8th grade. Buffett moved to Omaha, but soon after completing his
8th grade, he had to return to Washington again...
Excerpts >>