Women and Entrepreneurship
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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN013
Case Length : 13 Pages
Period :
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Mahila Griha Udyog, Balaji Telefilms Limited, Biocon
Industry : Varied
Countries : India
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Successful Women Entrepreneurs Contd...
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
She is India's first woman Brew Master and the founder director of the Biocon
Group. India's first lady biotech entrepreneur, Kiran Mazumdar(Mazumdar) was
born and brought up in Bangalore.
Shahnaz Husain
Shahnaz Husain (Shahnaz) was another successful woman entrepreneur of India. She
popularized herbal treatments for beauty and health problems. Her company,
Shahnaz Husain Herbals, was the largest of its kind in the world and had a
strong presence in over 100 countries, from the US to Asia...
Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad (SMGULP)
The entrepreneurial success of SMGULP23
is noteworthy. SMGULP was a cooperative system in which women over
the age of 18 could become members. Starting humbly, with an initial
capital of Rs 80, borrowed from a local money lender and social
worker, SMGULP grew phenomenally.
In 2002, it had a turnover of Rs 3 billion and exports worth Rs.100
million. It employed 42,000 people in 62 divisions all over the
SMGULP was the brain child of seven semi-literate Gujarati
housewives, who started a venture to create a sustainable livelihood
using the only skill they had - cooking. The seven women were
Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat, Parvatiben Ramdas Thodani, Ujamben
Narandas Kundalia, Banuben. N. Tanna, Laguben Amritlar Gokani,
Jayaben V. Vithalani, and one more lady whose name is not known...
Entrepreneurial Style
The entrepreneurial style of all these entrepreneurs was different. Ekta
Kapoor was a complete hands-on manager. She exercised control over all
aspects of the functioning of BTL and had the final word on everything. Her
style of working was criticized by many, but there were others who feel that
it was the main reason for her success. Ekta Kapoor was very young when she
made her foray into television software. She faced a lot of problems
convincing people of the seriousness of her purpose. According to Ekta
Kapoor, people did not take her seriously because they thought she was only
working to pass the time... |
Mahila in Hindi means women, Griha means home, Udyog means industry or work, and
Lijjat means tasty. Papad is a flat, thin, dried roll of kneaded flour mixed
with spicy ingredients. Papad has a reasonably long shelf life, can be toasted
or fried in oil and served as a snack or taken along with food.