A Multimedia Experience in an Indian Village (Article)
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Please note:
For students, this case is intended for use in MBA/ MS level programs as part of the finance/ development economics/ social entrepreneurship courses. This case is also suitable for use in Faculty Development Programs, and Executive Development Workshops catering to lending institutions/ government departments/ social entrepreneurs.
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After a light breakfast en route, we arrived at the Katriyal village public school where the center meetings were generally organized. We quickly assessed the ground situation, set up our equipment, and prepared to shoot.
The local SML representative had already explained the purpose of our visit to
the group members in the village. Despite this, initially at least, the women
seemed a little uncomfortable with our intrusion into their weekly routine.
This hampered our shoot slightly. For instance, we had to get the women to repeat the pledge (that they start their meetings with) a couple of times before we could get it right for the camera. However, as things progressed, the women warmed to the idea of being videotaped - and it also became clear that SML's
claim of empowering women was no empty boast. It was very clear that the women
who had been through several loan cycles (as a person repaid each loan, she
would become eligible for increasingly larger loans) were confident and spoke
unhesitatingly for the camera.
New members, on the other hand, were more shy and uncomfortable before the
After we had covered the village center meeting and interviewed some of the
members, we moved on to videotape scenes of some of the women running their own
On the way, to add some local color to our case study, we also managed to get shots of daily village scenes like a goatherd taking his goats out to graze, farmers going to work their fields, and a tractor-trolley transporting manure that would end up as fertilizer on some farm.
Rangamani, the confident and voluble center leader at Katriyal, had invited us to visit the small tea shop she had set up with her loan from SML. Our presence there seemed to bring in a lot of customers who were willing to buy an extra cup of "chai" (tea) to ensure that they were present when the camera was rolling.
A few enthusiastic ones also offered us tips on what to shoot and which angles to cover. While we drank the cups of hot "chai" specially prepared for us by the enterprising Rangamani, her husband proudly showed us the motorcycle they had purchased with the earnings from their business.
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