A Multimedia Experience in an Indian Village (Article)
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Please note:
For students, this case is intended for use in MBA/ MS level programs as part of the finance/ development economics/ social entrepreneurship courses. This case is also suitable for use in Faculty Development Programs, and Executive Development Workshops catering to lending institutions/ government departments/ social entrepreneurs.
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And finally, after almost a month of seemingly endless video viewing, editing, subtitling, programming and testing, we had our first multimedia case study - 'SHARE Microfin Limited: India's Largest Microfinance Organization.'
While many aspects of rural India have been reduced to cliches, the hospitality and enterprise of the gutsy women who took charge of their destinies to improve the quality of their lives, their families and their community still remains fresh in our minds.
Here are some of the things we learnt from our experience:
• Formulate the learning objectives and draft the print version of the case before attempting a multi-media case. This will form the basic structure to identify areas where the learning value can be enhanced through use of multimedia. This also sets a base frame of reference for the company which is the subject of the case study, to understand the objectives and purpose of the case.
• Plan in advance to decide what aspects of the subject can be made into
multimedia. Events/ work activities/ business processes and interviews with key employees/ customers/ dealers/ vendors, etc. can be recorded.
• Communicate an agenda well in advance of the preparatory meeting with the company
- with details of clarifications required, expected assistance, and probable timeframes. Send the draft version of the print case study to help the company representatives to prepare for the meeting.
• Give the technical crew a brief of the shoot plan -- a script that includes aspects related to lighting conditions, availability of power and number of recording tapes needed, date and venue of shoot.
• Have a work plan that lists out the events that will be recorded and list of interviews and questions to be asked. Provide the interviewees with the list of questions at least 2 to 3 days in advance of the shoot so that they are prepared.
• Run an alpha and beta check of the final version of the multimedia case study for typos, bugs and broken links.
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