The AXA Way: Improving Quality of Services
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Case Details:
Case Code : OPER058
Case Length : 17 Pages
Period : 1997-2006
Organization : AXA
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : France
Industry : Financial Services
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Background Note
The parent company of AXA, Mutuelle Contre de l'Assurance contre l'incendie
(MCI), was founded in 1816 by Jacques-Théodore le Carpentier and 17 other
entrepreneurs. The company was located at Rouen4 and was established as a fire
insurance company. For a period of five years, every shareholder in the company
was both insurer and insured party. This was the beginning of a mutual company,
where the company was owned by insured parties.
With growing competition from companies like La Providence (founded in 1838) and
La Paternelle (founded in 1843), MCI decided to diversify and develop its
For this purpose two companies were created, Mutualité Immobiliére and
Mutualité Mobiliére for insuring movable risks; these companies started
operating in 1847. In the 1850s, the companies expanded their activities
across France and started covering real estate risks. In 1881, the companies
merged under the name Ancienne Mutuelle (AM).
In 1922, AM began offering automobile insurance under the name - AM
Accidents. During the Second World War, in 1944, the company's offices were
bombed by US forces. The accident and life insurance divisions were not
severely affected by the war, but tighter controls became necessary.
This led to constitution of Groupe AM in 1946, under the leadership of André
Sahut d'Izarn. The company's first merger, with AM du Calvados, took place
in 1946. In the following decade, AM acquired Mutuelle d'Orléans, Mutualité
Gérale life insurance company and La Participation. In 1955, AM ventured
overseas, starting its operations in Quebec, Canada. In 1958, Claude Bébéar
(Bébéar) joined the group as a senior manager. |
Bébéar was sent to Canada on an assignment and he developed
the Canadian subsidiary of AM named Provinces Unies.
After the death of André Sahut d'Izarn in 1972, the company went through a
turbulent period. In 1974, activities at AM were paralyzed for over two months,
owing to a strike in the company. Bébéar's successful resolution of the strike
impressed the board members and he was brought in as Chairman in 1975. Bébéar
brought in several changes beginnning with a change in name of the company. AM
was renamed Mutuelles Unies (MU) in 1978. In the same year, MU acquired another
French company, Compagnie Parisienne de Garantie...
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