Infosys' Global Delivery Model
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Case Details:
Case Code : OPER059
Case Length : 14 Pages
Period : 1995-2006
Organization : Infosys Technologies
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note : Available
Countries : India/Global
Industry : Software
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The Global Delivery Model
In the GDM, large scale software development projects were divided into
different categories. Falling under the first category were the tasks that were
to be carried out at the location of the client. Under the second category were
the tasks, which needed to be carried out closer to the client. The third
category consisted of tasks that could be done in remote locations, where
process-driven technology centers with highly skilled manpower were easily
available (Refer Exhibit IV for details of the tasks carried out onsite,
near-site and at offshore locations). The work on projects was carried out 24
hours a day, with teams located at different locations across the world, working
round-the-clock on the project.
Nandan Nilekani, President, CEO and Managing Director of Infosys, commented,
"The work can be moved anywhere. This allows for a degree of freedom in the
way a business is conducted. The work can be moved depending on where it
would be cheaper to do so, or to a place that has unutilized capacity, or
special skills. This is the kind of innovation (GDM) for which we are taking
credit for."...
GDM - Making the Model Work
For an offshore development project, a team from Infosys visited the client
in order to determine the requirements of the project. After obtaining the
required specifications, some of the team members stayed back with the
client to coordinate and determine any changes that the client demanded in
the project, while the project managers returned to the GDCs.
At the clients' location, there was an on-site coordinator who communicated
with the PDCs and ODCs regularly... |
Expanding GDM
In 2003, Infosys launched GDM Plus, an enhanced service delivery model, a
combination of more services and excellence in execution. Infosys defined GDM
Plus as an integrated delivery model that encompassed vertical solutions,
expanded vertical footprint and execution excellence. According to Infosys, GDM
Plus was its strategic response to changing market conditions and the
competitive landscape to deliver high volumes to customers. Execution excellence
was to be achieved through business solutions, technology, domain expertise,
quality, operational efficiency and people development...
Excerpts Contd...>>