The Making of Xbox 360
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Case Details:
Case Code : OPER061
Case Length : 20 Pages
Period : 2000-07
Organization : Microsoft Corporation
Pub Date : 2007
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : US
Industry : Gaming Console
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Introduction Contd...
Microsoft's first foray into gaming was Xbox, which was launched in November
2001; more than a year after Sony9's PlayStation210 was launched in the US. This
gave Sony the edge to capture the market and by the time Xbox was launched
PlayStation 2 was well established in the market with loyal customers (Refer
Exhibit I for the sales of Xbox and PlayStation 2 in 2002). After Xbox's lower
than expected performance, Microsoft decided to launch Xbox 360, the next
version of the gaming console, well before PlayStation 311 could hit the market.
Xbox 360 was launched in May 2005 well ahead of Sony's PlayStation3, which was
released in November 2006 in Japan and the US, and Nintendo12 Wii13 which was also
launched in November 2006.
This gave Microsoft the advantage in capturing market share. In the quarter
ending December 2005, Xbox 360 sold 1.5 million units (900,000 in North
America, 500,000 in Europe and 100,000 in Japan). By June 2007, Microsoft
expected to sell over 13 to 15 million Xbox consoles in the market.
According to Wagner James Au from GigaOM14,
"Microsoft's lead seems unbeatable now, fueled by a one-year headstart, the
raging success of Gears of War as 2006's killer app, and most recently, a
blitzkrieg of promotion for Halo 3, scheduled for 2007."15
Background Note
Microsoft was founded in April 1975 as a partnership concern by William H
Gates (Gates) and Paul Allen. At this time, the duo had developed an
improved version of BASIC16, which was distributed by Micro Instrumentation
and Telemetry Systems. In 1977, Microsoft introduced FORTRAN17 and COBOL18
languages for PCs. |
By the end of 1977, Microsoft had emerged as the market leader in microcomputer languages, with sales exceeding $1,000,000...