Management of Multinational Corporations ( MNCS )

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Chapter 14 : Towards Transnational Companies
Managing Complexity through Flexible Coordination Characteristics of Transnational Organizations
Integrated Network Roles and Responsibilities of Subsidiaries Organizational Processes
Developing Transnational Managers
Business Managers Country Managers Functional Managers Corporate Managers
Managing the Transnational Process.
Chapter Summary
The important characteristics of a transnational
organization are integrated network of assets and capabilities, differentiation
of roles and responsibilities of subsidiaries and simultaneous management of
multiple organizational processes. The vast differentiation of roles and
responsibilities and management processes within the organization and efforts to
coordinate them leads to complexity in transnational organizations.
Traditional companies attempted to manage the coordination task using the one
particular process or the limited processes which they were familiar with. This
approach is simple to follow but often leads to inefficiencies. If an
organization is centralized, decisions are taken by the management at
headquarters, who are unaware of local markets.
Decentralization affects an organization's global competence. A transnational
therefore emphasizes flexibility in using different tools and mechanisms,
depending on the type of problem and the situation. The top management has to
vary the mix of centralization of authority, formalization of systems and
socialization of managers according to the nature of the task and the strategic
role of the units being considered.
Business managers, country managers and functional managers- all have a crucial
role to play in the strategic decision making process and critical
organizational operations in a transnational organization. The top management is
responsible for identifying and developing these managers into talented
specialists who can contribute significantly to the success of the organization.
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