Management of Multinational Corporations ( MNCS )

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Chapter 3 : Socio, Political and Cultural Environment
Social Structure and International Business Social Stratification and International Business
Implication For Business Religion and International Business Values and Attitudes and International Business Customs and Manners and International Business Language Education Culture and Workplace
Hofstede's Model Of Culture Cross Cultural Literacy Culture and Competitive Advantage Cultural Impact of MNCs on Host Countries Political Impact on MNCs on Home Countries.
Chapter Summary
Social structure and religion of a society greatly influences the culture of
that country. There are two basic patterns of social structure: emphasis on
individual or group, and social stratification. Individualistic societies favor
capitalism, but may lack teamwork and cooperation. Society may be stratified on
the basis of caste or class. Caste and class conflicts need to be minimized to
reduce industrial disruptions.
The teachings of the dominant religion of a country can also influence its
culture and thus its suitability for international business. Hofstede's model of
culture identifies four dimensions along which the culture of a country can be
classified: power distance, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance
and individualism vs. collectivism.
Employees of MNCs must be trained and educated to develop an understanding of
cultural differences. This will help them improve their performance. According
to some critics, MNCs do more harm than good to the culture of the host country.
MNCs also interfere in the politics of developing countries and attempt to
influence their governments to formulate policies that favor them.
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