Management of Multinational Corporations ( MNCS )

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Chapter 8 : Marketing Management in MNCs
Product Attributes
Cultural Differences Economic Differences Technical Standards
Distribution Strategy
Typical Distribution System Differences between Countries in the Distribution Channels Choosing a Distribution Strategy Choosing a Distributor
Pricing Strategy Adopted by MNCs
Competitive Structure Price Discrimination Distribution Structure Consumer Behavior Strategic Pricing
Communication Strategies of MNCs
Barriers to International Communications Pull vs Push Strategy Advertising Across Borders
Configuring the Marketing Mix.
Chapter Summary
A product may be viewed as a bundle of attributes.
Preferences for and the importance of attributes may vary from country to
country. Product attributes that depend on cultural and economic conditions,
product and technical standards have important implications on the marketing
strategy of multinationals.
An MNC's distribution strategy in a country is influenced by the type of
distribution system prevalent (e.g. concentration of retail outlets, length of
channels and accessibility of the channels). Cultural barriers and the image of
the country of origin determine the communication strategy of the firm. An MNC
may chose push or pull strategy or a combination of both depending on the type
of product, level of customer sophistication, length of the channel and the
sophistication of the media.
Pricing strategy depends on the general pricing structure in the country, the
competitive structure and consumer behavior. The marketing mix of the
multinationals can be adjusted according to the local differences in culture,
economic conditions, competitive conditions, product and technical standards,
distribution systems, government regulations, etc. The marketing mix may involve
standardization of some P's and customization of others depending on the
circumstances in a country.
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