Operations Management
Chapter 17 : Operations Scheduling
<<Previous Chapter
Purpose of Scheduling Scheduling methods Forward scheduling Backward scheduling Scheduling Activities Routing Loading Dispatching Scheduling by Type of Operations Job operations Repetitive operations Labor intensive operations Service operations- Scheduling techniques Gantt charts Johnson's job sequencing rules Queuing analysis Critical ratio method
Chapter Summary
Organizations schedule their activities in order to meet customers'requirements on time and improve their operational efficiency. Scheduling of
activities is important for both manufacturing and service firms. An
operation can be scheduled in different ways.
But they can be broadly divided into forward scheduling, backward scheduling
and a combination of both. Routing, loading, and dispatching are the
important activities in the scheduling of an operation. Routing describes
the sequence of operations and the work centers that perform the work.
Loading assigns jobs to various work centers. Dispatching is the release of
an order to start the production operation. The different priority rules in
dispatching are: earliest due date, longest processing time, shortest
processing time, first in first serve, and slack time remaining.
The method of scheduling also varies with the type of operation. Operations
managers follow different approaches in scheduling job operations,
repetitive operations, and labor-intensive operations. Appointment systems,
reservation systems and strategic product pricing are the important
approaches in the scheduling of service operations.
Operations managers can follow several scheduling techniques such as Gantt
charts, Johnson's job sequencing rules, queuing analysis, and the critical
ratio method to schedule their operations.
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