Meaning of Personality
Personality Determinants
Other Personality Attributes that Influence Organizational
Locus of Control
Risk Taking
Type A Personality
The Development of Personality and Socialization
Levinson's Theory of Adult Life Stages
Hall's Career Stage
Argyris' Immaturity to Maturity Theory
The Socialization Process
Matching Personalities with Jobs
Concept of Attitudes
Sources of Attitudes
Types of Attitudes
Functions of Attitudes
Attitudes and
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
The study of personality and attitudes gives insights into the behavior of
people. Personality refers to the way in which a person views and understands
himself, and the way in which he interacts with people and reacts to
situations. Self-concept (in personality theory) refers to the attempts made
by people to understand themselves. Self-esteem is the self-perceived
competence and self-image of people. People with high self-esteem do well in
managerial positions. Self-efficacy refers to the self-perceptions of a
person regarding his ability to cope with situations as they arise.
Individuals with high self-efficacy can quickly cope with the demands of
tough jobs (such as sales jobs).
An individual's personality is influenced by factors like heredity, external
environment, and person-situation interaction. Some of the personality
attributes that have an impact on an individual's behavior are the locus of
control, machiavellianism, self-esteem, self-monitoring, propensity to
risk-taking, and Type A personality. The locus of control refers to the
degree to which people believe that they can determine their own fate. People
high on the locus of control (called internals) tend to move up the career
ladder quickly.
Machiavellianism (Mach) refers the degree to which an individual is
pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that the ends justify
the means. High-Mach people are most productive in jobs which impose minimum
restrictions on the employee, involve persuading others, and offer high
rewards. Self-monitoring refers to the ability of an individual to adjust his
behavior to external situational factors. High self-monitors are capable of
changing their behavior and expressions according to the situation. They
progress faster in their careers than low self-monitors.
Individuals vary in their willingness to take chances or risks. High
risk-taking people perform well in jobs such as stock brokers and currency
traders. Individuals who have a Type A personality are continuously involved
in the struggle to achieve more in less time in the face of opposition from
other people. But because of their emphasis on quantity than quality and
their poor decision-making skills, they often do not make good managers. Type
B people lay more emphasis on quality of outcome rather than quantity and
have good analytical skills. They therefore make good managers.
Many personality theorists have tried to explain the development of human
personality. According to Daniel Levinson, an individual's life can be
divided into adult, mid-life and late adult stages. The personality of an
individual, Levinson argues, develops to some extent at each stage of his
lifecycle. Another theorist, Hall, suggested that the personality development
of an employee takes place in four stages: exploration, establishment,
maintenance and decline.
Chris Argyris (Immaturity-Maturity model) proposed that human personality
moves along a continuum from immaturity (infancy) to maturity (adulthood).
John Harrold proposed the personality-job fit theory in which he established
a relationship among personality characteristics, the requirements of a job,
and job performance.
Attitudes are evaluative statements (favorable or unfavorable) about objects,
people or events. Attitudes are acquired from parents, teachers and members
of the peer group, apart from the predispositions acquired at birth. The
three job-related attitudes are job satisfaction, job involvement, and
organizational commitment. According to Edwin A. Locke, job satisfaction is
the pleasurable or positive emotional state that results when an individual
evaluates his job or job experience. Job involvement refers to the degree to
which a person psychologically identifies with his job, actively participates
in it, and considers that his performance in the job contributes to his
Organizational commitment refers to the extent to which an individual
identifies with a particular organization, and its goals and wishes to remain
a member of that organization. Organizations can reduce turnover by taking
steps to enhance the job satisfaction of their employees and increase their
job involvement and organizational commitment.
Attitudes enable people to adapt to their work environment. They are also
used by people to defend their ego, express their values, and to interpret
events. The cognitive dissonance theory refers to the incompatibility that an
individual may perceive between two or more of his attitudes, or between his
behavior and attitudes. The efforts made by an individual to reduce
dissonance depend on the significance of the elements that give rise to the
dissonance, the extent to which they can be controlled, and the rewards that
the individual is likely to lose by not overcoming the dissonance.
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