Marketing Management

Pages : 500;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Pages :
282; Paperback;
210 X 275 mm approx, Sample Applied Theory Questions
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
Workbook Price: Rs. 700;
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<< Chapter 6
Marketing Research, MkIS and Demand Forecasting : Chapter 7
Marketing research is the careful analysis of a business situation by scientifically analyzing it and using various statistical applications to the subject of study. The marketing research process consists of five steps: defining the problem and formulating the objectives of the research, effective research plan development, collection of data, evaluation of the information collected, and formulation of the research report. The data is collected by applying different methods like mailers, personal interviews, and telephonic interviews.
A marketing information system helps companies provide crucial marketing information to managers using internal record systems, marketing intelligence systems, marketing decision support systems, etc.
Companies need to forecast their sales, in order to function smoothly and to achieve their objectives. To estimate current and future demand for the product, they use estimates of market demand like total market potential, area market potential, composite sales force opinion, survey of buyer intentions, expert opinion, past sales analysis and test marketing method.
Marketing Research, MkIS and Demand Forecasting - An overview
Meaning and Scope of Marketing Research
The Marketing Research Process
Research Instruments
Data Collection Techniques
Evaluating the Data and Preparing a Research Report
Barriers Between Marketing Researchers and Managerial Decision-Makers
The Importance of Ethical Marketing Research
Meaning & Scope of Marketing Information System (MkIS)
MkIS Components
Demand Forecast and Measurement
Market Classification
The Concept of Market Demand for Marketing
Market Potential
Company Demand
Company Sales Forecast
Sales Quota and Sales Budget
Current Demand Estimation
Future Demand Estimation
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