Services Marketing

« Consultancy Services
Chapter 28 : Professional Services Marketing - (IT Services,
Consultancy, Healthcare, Advertising & Retailing Industries)
Advertising Services
Evolution of the Advertising Industry Segmentation & Marketing Strategy
Marketing Mix
Product People
Place Process Promotion Price Physical
Advertising Industry in India
Section Summary - Advertising Services
The advertising industry is dependent on the economy and business cycle.
Advertising has invaded almost every sector of the industry today. To
survive, the agencies need to differentiate their products/services from
each other. Advertising helps an organization create awareness of its
products/services and their benefits among the target segment. Advertising
has gained importance in India, with increased globalization and
Advertising originated thousands of years ago, though it evolved as a
commercial industry only a few decades ago. The Industrial Revolution and
the invention of radio and television played a catalytic role in the
emergence of advertisement as a major service industry. The emergence of an
educated middle class compelled the trading section to develop brand
identities to set apart their products from those of competitors.
More and more businessmen rely on advertising to create and maintain mass
appeal for their products.
Many advertising agencies are moving towards becoming a 'one-stop
communication solution' or 'full-service advertising agency' by diversifying
into allied fields such as market research, packaging design, direct and
test marketing, merchandising, event management, public relations, media
planning, media buying etc.
The Advertising Industry is in its infancy in India. With the entry of MNCs
and globalization, Indian ad agencies have been forced to reposition
themselves while enjoying growth prospects. The major problems faced by the
industry in India are availability of human resources, positioning of the
industry, size of the industry and compensation for services.
Retailing Industry »