Services Marketing

« Mutual Fund Industry
Chapter 25 : Marketing of Financial Services (Banking,
Insurance, Mutual Fund & Portfolio Management Services)
Portfolio Management
Definition of Portfolio Management
Segmentation and Marketing Mix
Place Promotion
Process Physical Evidence
Recent Trends in Portfolio Management Industry
in India
Section Summary - Portfolio Management
Portfolio management service refers to managing the funds of a customer
taking into consideration their short-term and long term needs. As the
customers may not have the time or expertise, their assets are managed by
the portfolio managers who invest in different financial instruments like
bonds, insurance, stocks, real estate, etc.
The market for these services is divided into discretionary services and
non-discretionary services. In the case of non-discretionary services, the
decision-making regarding investments lies with the customers, whereas in
the case of discretionary services, it vests with the service provider. The
product needs to be designed to suit the specific needs of individual
A standard product might not suit the needs of all investors as their needs
and profiles differ. The price of portfolio management services is generally
calculated as a percentage of the net asset value or a percentage of the
returns or profits earned on the investment portfolio. People assume center
stage in portfolio management services, as portfolio managers determine the
success of an investment portfolio.
Process plays a pivotal role; it starts with understanding the customer
profile and needs and ends with performance evaluation of the portfolio. In
providing physical evidence, the service provider's achievements, clearances
from regulatory bodies, quality compliance certifications like ISO
9001:2000, past performance, etc. can be used effectively through brochures
and displays.
The PMS business in India, which was nonexistent till the beginning of the
century has emerged strongly as the income levels of Indians have been
increasing at a fast pace. More changes can be expected in the sector with
more global players entering the market through strategic tie-ups and SEBI
being expected to introduce some reforms in the sector.
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