Services Marketing

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Chapter 14 : People in Services
Classification of Service Personnel Problems Faced by Service Personnel
Types of Conflict in Service Organizations
Individual role Conflict Customer employee Conflict Inter employee Conflict Client Organization Conflict Inter Client Conflict
People Strategies
Attracting the Best Talent Motivating Training Retaining
Chapter Summary
Service personnel can be classified in different ways depending on the level
and nature of interaction that they have with customers – low-contact and
high contact service personnel; consumer-service and professional service
employees; and contact personnel, moderate contract personnel, back-office
staff, support staff and management.
Some of the problems faced by service personnel in the course of their job
are stress and burnout, lack of clarity in their roles and responsibilities
and lack of fixed breaks and intervals for relaxation. Service organizations
and their employees may sometimes enter into conflict with customers during
the course of interaction with them.
The conflicts can be classified as follows - individual-role conflict,
customer-employee conflict, inter-employee conflict, client-organization
conflict and inter-client conflict. Some of the people strategies to be
adopted by service organizations include attracting the best talent,
training them in technical and people skills, motivating them through proper
compensation, incentives and empowerment, and retaining them by improving
the quality of work life and implementing an appropriate reward system.
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