Services Marketing

Previous Chapter
Chapter 3 : Consumer Behavior
Differences Between Characteristics Of Goods and Services
Search Qualities Experience Qualities Credence Qualities
Consumer Decision-Making Process
Need Perception Search for Information and Perceived Risk Evaluation of Alternatives Purchase Behavior Post-Purchase Evaluation
External Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior Implications For Service Providers
Chapter Summary
The intangibility property of services makes it
difficult for customers to search for information, make a purchase decision,
or even evaluate the service experience. This is due to the presence of more
experience and credence qualities than search qualities in services. Hence,
service providers need to deliver value added services to their customers to
provide them a superior service experience.
Decision-making is involved in every purchase decision, whether it is to
purchase a product or a service. The decision making process in the purchase
of a service involves various steps such as need perception, search for
information and the perceived risk, evaluation of the generated
alternatives, the purchase decision and the post-purchase evaluation.
Further, the decision making process of the customer is influenced by
external factors like his family, culture, subculture, reference groups and
the social class to which he belongs. Marketers are innovating several ways
to make service experiences memorable for the customer.
They are also trying to retain old customers since this is more profitable
to the company than attracting new customers. Observing buyer behavior
patterns helps marketers to target customers in a better way. The
technological advances and globalization of economy make it possible for
service providers to design new ways of providing their services.
Next Chapter