E-Government - The Emerging Paradigm



E-government, public services, Government Enterprise Transformation, GET, e-citizen, Wireless technology

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Technological Aspects

A proper technological framework for e-government is critical for its success. The system infrastructure must be scalable, flexible and always available. An e government website must have search facility, payment processing capability and facility of presenting electronic forms and bills. The site should be accessible through multiple channels including wireless devices and telephones.

Wireless technology is also playing an important role in improving efficiency of governments. In the near future, many governments across the globe will interact with citizens on wireless. More than any other industry, public sector workforce stands to gain the most from emerging wireless technologies. Field service employees can report exceptional improvements in productivity, reduce costs, decrease paperwork, eliminate redundant data entry and access to readily available information at anytime and anyplace by using wireless devices. Moreover, citizens who cannot afford traditional desktop computers can opt for relatively inexpensive wireless devices and connectivity.

From a government perspective, aggregating citizen and business data could facilitate more accurate identification and fulfillment of specific customer needs, assist with demand forecasting and strategic planning as well as aid in the development of better customer-centric programs. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution can help public agencies to significantly improve its operational effectiveness. The benefits of CRM solution for government agencies include:
* Empowering employees with data for decision making.
* Improving communication and response time with citizens and businesses.
* Optimizing the use of web-based technologies.
* Reducing operating costs and human capital investment.
* Satisfying the growing demand for instant access to agency-wide data.

Governments must ensure that their websites are as simple as possible by aggressively learning from others and building on the best standards. They can opt for an Application Service Provider (ASP) based solutions for enterprise systems. They must consider adapting their work processes to fit the software rather than customizing the software to fit the way they presently work. A strategy that follows the pioneers while avoiding their mistakes can be a significant value proposition at a relatively low risk. Major IT initiatives almost always involve changes that have the potential to disrupt work and organizational relationships among groups and individuals. Governments must not entrust their online project to a team staffed by just technologists and consultants. They must form a balanced IT project team, including people with knowledge and influence over government operations as well.

In recent years, public sector leaders have improved their ability to manage major IT implementations. However, the key challenges that remain, are typically associated with bringing about an organizational change.

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