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Dotcom Marketing in India
The Dotcom Marketing Mania Contd...For instance, hungama.com, completely ignored the expensive print and television media and took up viral marketing. It identified 125 hungama hangouts – pubs, clubs, and cinema halls – where it made its presence felt through promotions, schemes, and onsite advertising. Neeraj Roy, CEO hungama, said, "We wanted to be present at places where youngsters hang out." Similarly, bharatplanet.com, a gifting site, ran a referral program wherein by introducing friends the visitors to this site earned points, which were redeemable as shopping vouchers. Through referrals alone, the site got about 600 new users a week. Word of mouth advertising, which resulted from a loyal customer base over a period of time, was responsible for around 30% of new site traffic.
Some dotcoms even reverted back to the barter system for their advertising needs. Shares had become a new currency in the dotcom industry. Many dotcoms signed agreements with popular media players to buy advertising space and time through the issue and allotment of shares. For instance, Business Standard, a financial daily, entered into a share-and-cash agreement with Pugmarks. Under the agreement, Business Standard was to use Pugmarks' services for hosting and maintenance of the site in exchange for providing free advertisement space and cash payments. A contests site, contests2win, also entered into an agreement, to host the URL on the partners hoarding. Marketing or Publicity?Many analysts felt that the dotcom marketing methods lacked originality (Refer Exhibit II for ideas for marketing sites). One of the reasons seemed to be that the dotcoms were always in a hurry. The minimum time of more than a month required to create an ad for an FMCG product seemed to be too long in the fast-changing dotcom industry. Ashish Dhawan, Chryslis Capital, a venture capitalist said, "You can't blame them. Most advertising agencies like most lawyers or investment banks are still learning the dotcom business." Also, not many companies had done a pre-launch research and there was no secondary knowledge available. Analysts also felt that most dotcom entrepreneurs were using marketing methods more suited to old economy businesses. |
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