Henry Ford - A Great Innovator
Background Note Contd...He stayed on this job for three years. In 1881, he began working at Dry Dock Engine Works (DDEW), a steamship company in Detroit. This gave him a chance to work with motors. Dissatisfied with his work at DDEW, Ford went back to Dearborn in 1882. He spent a few years in Dearborn in various activities like managing and repairing steam engines, working temporarily in Westinghouse Engine Company (Detroit), and repairing his father's farm equipment.
He was successful in building a steam tractor with a single cylinder engine, but failed to make a suitable boiler light, which would make the tractor operational. In 1892, he put together a "gasoline buggy" with two cylinder engines which generated 4HP (horsepower). His experiments finally yielded results in June 1896, when he came out with his new invention - a self-driven vehicle called 'Quadricycle.' The quadricycle was a 4 HP vehicle, consisting of four wire wheels similar to heavy bicycle wheels, powered with a handle like a boat, and had only two forward speeds, with no backpedal.
11] As quoted in the book, Giants of Enterprise, by Richard S. Tedlow, HarperBusiness, 2001, page 149. |
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