Henry Ford - A Great Innovator
The Criticism Contd...He refused to give customers a choice in the color of their cars, remarking jokingly, "Any customer can have a car painted any color he wants, so long as it is black."32 He is said to have acted on the basis of his prejudices and emotions quite often. He outrightly refused to even contemplate any changes to his favorite Model T. On one instance, Ford employees put together an upgraded version of Model T to surprise Ford. But Ford, far from being impressed, he openly showed his resentment by kicking the wind-pane and trampling on the roof of the car. A Ford employee at the time said, "We got the message.
Ford was not in favor of labour unions in his company. He rejected the formation of unions outright. Ford made this very clear to his employees, saying, "We'll never recognize the United Automobile Workers Union or any other union."34 During the 1930s, Ford unleashed a 'reign of terror' against employees who sympathized with unions. His henchmen assaulted the United Auto Workers (UAW) in 1937, in what came to be known as the 'Battle of the Overpass,' for distributing pamphlets in support of unions. In an interview to The Associated Press in February 1937, Ford insisted that all his workers should "stay out of unions." He also rejected the signing of automobile code of the National Recovery Administration (NRA),35 which laid down that employees enjoyed the right to organize and strike.
32] As quoted in the article, "Henry Ford is Dead at 83 in Dearborn," The Associated Press, April 8, 1947. |
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