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Mercedes Benz's E-Biz Solution: The Factory Delivery Reservation System
The Design of FDRS Contd...When an order was placed by the dealer on the FDRS system, the data was first stored on the external Domino server, after which it was replicated to the internal Domino server. Then it was replicated to the back-end database via the Lotus Enterprise Integrator. Data replication between the Lotus Notes servers happened every 15 minutes and data exchange with the back-end database three times per day.
FDRS ImplementationOne of the most challenging aspects of the implementation seemed to be the complexity of the Lotus and Domino scripts. The development team had to group all the information from diverse systems. Commented William Engelke, “There was a substantial amount of very complex coding involved in the FDRS solution. This application involves a lot more than having our dealers fill out a form and submitting it. There are many things the servers have to do for the system to function properly, such as looking at calendars and production schedules. We built a solution with some very advanced communication linkages.”
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12] The IBM S/390 servers offer direct high speed access to the e-business application and are used for Enterprise Computing. |
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