Employee Downsizing
The First Phase Contd...In light of the negative influence that downsizing was having on both the downsized and the surviving employees, some economists advocated the imposition of a downsizing tax (on downsizing organizations) by the government to discourage companies from downsizing. This type of tax already existed in France, where companies downsizing more than 40 workers had to report the same in writing to the labor department. Also, such companies had liable to pay high severance fees, contribute to an unemployment fund, and submit a plan to the government regarding the retraining program of its displaced employees (for their future employment). The tax burden of such companies increased because they were no longer exempt from various payroll taxes. However, the downsizing tax caused more problems than it solved. As this policy restrained a company from downsizing, it damaged the chances of potential job seekers to get into the company. This tax was mainly responsible for the low rate of job creation and high rates of unemployment in many European countries, including France.
Rationalization of the labor force and wage reduction took place at an alarming rate during the late 1990s and early 21st century, with increased strategic alliances and growing popularity of concepts such as lean manufacturing and outsourcing2. Criticism of downsizing and its ill-effects soon began resurfacing. Many companies suffered from negative effects of downsizing and lost some of their best employees. 2] In lean manufacturing, organizations aim at cost reduction and minimization of resource consumption. Downsizing became one of the tools that helped in the implementation of lean manufacturing. Operations were outsourced to organizations in developing countries (especially in Asia) where labor costs were less, thus contributing to downsizing in developed countries. |
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