Henry Ford - A Great Innovator
"I will build a motor car for the multitude. It shall be large enough for the family, but small enough for the unskilled individual to operate easily and care for, and it shall be light in weight and it may be economical in maintenance. It will be built of honest materials, by the best workmen that money can hire, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it shall be so low in price that the man of moderate means may own one and enjoy with his family the blessings of happy hours spent in God's great open spaces."1 - Vision of Henry Ford (1903). "Ford's action transformed American industrial society."2 - Peter Drucker, economist and management guru. "There was no way to escape the fact that Henry Ford was the great business impresario of his era – or any era for that matter."3 - Douglas Brinkley, author, Wheels for the World.
1] As quoted in the article, "Henry Had the Dream," by Sheryl James, Detroit Free Press, March 27, 2003. |
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