Consolidation in the Indian Cement Industry
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The note looks into the consolidation going on in the cement industry in India.
Through its almost century long existence, the cement industry in India has
grown to a stage where it has become the second largest producer of cement in
the world.
After the dismantling of government controls for the cement industry
in 1989, the rate of growth in capacity addition in the cement industry
increased. Due to the increased production and the lack of matching consumption,
there was excess capacity in the market which resulted in companies struggling
to remain viable. Entry of foreign players resulted in the consolidation of the
fragmented industry.
The note looks into the major acquisition deals that happened during the past decade and also deals with the role cartels played in the pricing of cement in various markets. The note deals with the latest trends of the Indian cement industry and ends with an outlook for the industry in the future.
» The consolidation going on in the Indian cement industry
» Why an industry consolidates and what is the effect of consolidation on an
» How companies use acquisition as a way to stall the entry of a foreign players
into the local market
» The role played by cartels in a market
» The necessity for geographical proximity to the consumer
» How the entry of major foreign players can bring about a change in acquisition
Indian cement industry, Per capita consumption, Greenfield
capacity, Holcim Group (Holcim), Lafarge, Italcementi SpA, Tisco, Larsen &
Toubro, ACC (Associated Cement Companies), GACL (Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd),
Grasim industries, Consolidation, Capacity utilisation, Mergers and
acquisitions, Raymond, Industry India, Cement Industry, Foreign Shareholding
Consolidation in the Indian Cement Industry
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