Madonna - Two Decades of Successful Personality Marketing
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Case Code : MKTA021
Case Length : 14 Pages
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Pub Date : 2005
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Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone (Madonna), one of the most commercially successful artists in the history of popular music was highly photogenic, even though she was not conventionally beautiful. Often lauded as the queen of creativity, Madonna was famous for teasing her audience with hints and rumors of scandalous affairs.
More than twenty years after her debut, the sultry entertainer, movie diva, theatre artist, authoress of books, businesswoman, entrepreneur and mother of two kids, Madonna's marketability continued to soar even as many other stars stumbled and disappeared. One of the best selling artistes of all times, Madonna had sold over 190 million albums (March 2005), second only to Elvis Presley and The Beatles. A self-made star, Madonna represented the triumph of toil over talent and epitomized the American Dream. An analyst mentioned, "Few pop stars and fewer businesses have understood the intricacies of Madonna's genius of reinvention and the inevitable end of the business cycle. They should learn it from Madonna, the branding expert."1
Background Note
Born on Aug. 16, 1958 in Bay City, Michigan USA, Madonna was one of eight children in a strict middle-class Roman Catholic family. An A grade student, a popular cheerleader, teenager Madonna enjoyed standing out from the crowd. When she first arrived, almost penniless, in New York City in late 1978 she was a dancer, having trained at, but not graduated from, the University of Michigan. Madonna soon realized that there was no money in dancing and that success was easier to achieve in popular (pop) music.
Before long, Madonna became romantically involved with a struggling rock musician who taught her to play guitar and drums. Her next major friendship was with one of New York City's best-connected dance-club disc jockeys, John (Jellybean) Benitez. Benitez got her gigs at Manhattan clubs and helped produce her first album. Madonna first came to fame in late 1983 with her premier album, 'Madonna', which sold nearly 9 million copies. Her look was trampy and punk. She was clad in skimpy black clothes, her navel was exposed and her dyed-blonde hair showed obvious dark roots.
Madonna - Two Decades of Successful Personality Marketing
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