2019 Annual EPARCC Teaching Case and Simulation Competition |
Prof. KBS Kumar
Ms. Indu Perepu
Hyderabad, June, 2019: The Winner of the Glendal E. and Alice D. Wright Prize Fund for Conflict and Collaboration Case Studies in International Development.
“VFAN – A Sustainable and Collaborative Initiative to Improve the Livelihoods of Underprivileged Communities in Conflict Countries: The Rwandan Experience.” Case by K.B.S. Kumar and Indu Perepu, IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR) |
Prof. Debapratim Purkayastha
Mr. Vijay Kumar Tangirala
Hyderabad, June, 2019: First Place Winners in the E-PARCC Competition |
“‘Collector Bro’: Using Social Media to Tap the Power of Volunteerism.” Case by Debapratim Purkayastha, Dean, IBS Hyderabad and Vijay Kumar Tangirala. |