Kimberly-Clark Corporation: The Environmental Sustainability Challenge
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Case Details:
Case Code : BECG091
Case Length : 31 Pages
Period : 2003-2008
Pub Date : 2009
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Industry : Consumer Packaged Goods
Countries : Global
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
Kimberly-Clark Refutes Criticism
The 'Kleercut' campaign created many problems for K-C and put its reputation at stake. K-C dismissed many of the allegations as false and said that they had been made with the intention of tarnishing its reputation. With regard to the use of virgin fiber in its products, it said that it had to use virgin fiber in some products like facial tissues to cater to the preferences of consumers...
Winds of Change at Kimberly-Clark
In late 2006, the corporate sustainability steering committee of K-C provided an overview of an updated fiber procurement policy, approved the company's sustainability initiatives with some major customers, and also proposed the creation of an external sustainability advisory board...
Cut & Run - Report from Greenpeace
Another report by Greenpeace released in April 2008 - 'Cut & Run' claimed that the practices of the company had caused severe damage to the environment and resulted in social conflict in the Boreal Forest in Canada. The report stated that years of excessive logging and failed regeneration practices had severely affected the 2,000,000 hectare Kenogami Forest in northern Ontario, a part of the Canadian Boreal forest...
The Argument Continues...
In 2008, the company claimed that it had some of the best fiber procurement policies, and only 11% of the total fiber used by it was obtained from the Canadian Boreal forests and that too had been reforested. It stated that the fiber was not sourced from the old growth areas in the forest...
Exhibit I: Dow Jones Sustainability Index
Exhibit II: Kimberly-Clark's Charitable Giving
Exhibit III: Kimberly-Clark's Business Segments |
Exhibit IV: Fundamental Policy on Environmental Protection and Concern (Adopted
Exhibit V: Corporate Policy on Sustainable Use Of Natural Resources - 2003
Exhibit VI: Some of the Awards and Recognition Received by Kimberly-Clark
Exhibit VII: Images of Greenpeace Ads Criticizing Kimberly-Clark
Exhibit VIII: A Spoof of the 'Let It Out' Campaign
Exhibit IX: Kimberly-Clark - Fiber Procurement Policy - 2007
Exhibit X: Life Cycle Assessment of Tissue
Exhibit XI: A Summary of the Impact of Kimberly-Clark's Sustainability