Kimberly-Clark Corporation: The Environmental Sustainability Challenge
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The case discusses the sustainability initiatives of US-based
consumer products giant, Kimberly-Clark (K-C), with the emphasis being on the
company's policies and practices related to the environment. K-C manufactured
products like Kleenex and Huggies, which essentially involved the use of paper
and tree pulp. The company procured the pulp required from several forests
located across America, and also owned forest lands prior to 2004. Though the
company used recycled fiber, it also used virgin fiber procured from the forests
in many cases. From the early 1990s, the company had several policies in place
for environmental compliance, energy, waste disposal, etc.
Subsequently, it introduced several policies from time to
time for forest management, sustainable use of natural resources, environmental
practices of vendors, etc. The five year vision of the company for 2000-2005,
and 2005-2010 also addressed the initiatives taken by the company to being
environmentally responsible.
K-C started reporting its environmental initiatives in the early 2000s and the
first sustainability report was published in 2003. The report and the subsequent
reports addressed issues like corporate governance, suppliers, charitable
giving, and environmental stewardship. In the reports, the company claimed that
it did not source fiber from mixed hardwood forests and temperate rain forests.
It also said that it mostly used fiber from pre and post consumer waste paper.
In case virgin fiber was used, it was purchased only from suppliers who had
certified their forest lands and wood procurement activities against any
globally recognized standard.
However, environmental groups like Greenpeace and the Natural Resources Defense
Council (NRDC) claimed that K-C was destroying ancient forests for manufacturing
its products and was misleading the public about its business practices. A
campaign called 'Kleercut' was launched by Greenpeace. The environment groups
accused K-C of greenwashing, and accused it of destroying the ancient Boreal
forests in Canada. Another report by NRDC claimed that less that 19% of the
total fiber used by K-C was recycled and some products like Kleenex, Scott, and
Viva did not contain recycled material at all. According to subsequent reports
from the environmental organizations, though the company claimed that it
procured fiber from suppliers that maintained high ecological standards, only
5.3% of the fiber used by it came from Forest Stewardship Council certified
operations. Greenpeace brought out advertisements of the Kleercut campaign in
several media channels like newspapers, television, and even on the Internet to
discourage people from buying the products of K-C. K-C's reporting standards
also came under the scanner with the critics alleging that there was a
disconnect between what the company was reporting and its actual practices.
The 'Kleercut' campaign created many problems for K-C and put its reputation at
stake. K-C responded to the allegations by saying that many of them were false
and made with the intention of tarnishing its image. However, since late 2006,
the company had introduced various changes in its environmental policies and
practices, particularly with reference to its supply chain. It conducted a
comprehensive lifecycle assessment for its key products to study the
environmental impact of virgin fiber compared to recycled fiber. It also
revamped its corporate sustainability management structure and formed an
external sustainability advisory board to provide independent perspective and
advice on the company's sustainability programs. Notwithstanding the various
changes initiated by K-C, the company continued to attract the criticism of
environmental groups who claimed that it continued to have a detrimental effect
on the environment.
» Analyze the environmental sustainability initiatives adopted by K-C.
» Understand the policies governing the activities of the company in this area.
» Study how K-C went about implementing sustainability policies.
» Understand issues and challenges in sustainability reporting and its
» Evaluate the underlying reasons for the growing criticism against K-C and
explore ways in which the company can address this issue.
» Understand the concept of greenwashing and discuss and debate if K-C's
environmental initiatives actually amount to 'greenwashing'.
Sustainability, Environmental sustainability, Corporate
social responsibility, Sustainability policy, Sustainability management
structure, Sustainability reporting, Greenwashing, Supply chain, Fiber
procurement policy, Life cycle assessment, Kimberly-Clark, Kleenex, Kleercut
Kimberly-Clark Corporation: The Environmental Sustainability Challenge
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