Hewlett-Packard (HP) i-Community at Kuppam in India: Social Investment through e-Inclusion
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Case Code : BSTR179 Case Length : 11 Pages Pages Period : - Organization : Hewlett Packard Pub Date : 2005 Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : -
Themes: Corporate Social Responsibility
Industry : Information Technology and
Related Services
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The Kuppam I-Community
Kuppam, located approximately 600 kilometers from Hyderabad and 105 kilometers from Bangalore, had a population of 320,000 in 2002.
There were 62,400 households in Kuppam in 5 mandals,6 and more than half of the population was living below the poverty line.
Kuppam, which meant 'a meeting place' stood where the three states Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu met and had a composite culture of these three states.
In 2002, HP entered into an alliance with the government of AP to build the HP i-community at Kuppam.
According to the agreement, the government would assist HP in establishing the necessary IT infrastructure in Kuppam, and would give priority to the Kuppam area in information and communication technology investments.
"This alliance will accelerate our mission to reap the immense opportunities of the information age.
We hope to replicate the HP i-Community project across several districts in Andhra Pradesh,"7 said Chandrababu Naidu, then Chief Minister,8 AP. The AP government provided an exclusive 2 MBPS9 data connection to Kuppam.
The project aimed at making Kuppam a self-sustaining economy through
creation of appropriate technology innovations suitable to the local
community, which could also be replicated in similar communities
elsewhere in the world. |
This public-private partnership program was intended to create sustainable and profitable revenue streams for the company and the local community.
The project also aimed at job creation, raising literacy rates, providing access to government programs and schemes, healthcare, opening new markets and leadership building...
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