Human Resource Management: Best Practices in Infosys Technologies
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB090
Case Length : 24 Pages
Period : 1995-2006
Organization : Infosys Technologies
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : India/Global
Industry : Software
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
Infosys Leadership Institute
The Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI) was set up in 2001 to
nurture future leaders in the company and to effectively manage the exceptional
growth that the company was experiencing. At the Institute, the executives were
groomed to handle the changes in the external and internal environment...
Performance Appraisal
The first step toward carrying out performance appraisal at Infosys was the
evaluation of personal skills for the tasks assigned to an employee during the
period of appraisal. To evaluate the performance, different criteria like
timeliness, quality of work carried out by the employee, customer satisfaction,
peer satisfaction, and business potential, were considered. The personal skills
of the employees were also evaluated based on their learning and analytical
ability, communication skills, decision making, change management, and planning
and organizing skills. Each of these criteria was measured on a scale of 1 to 5
(with 1 signifying above the expected performance level and 5 below the expected
performance level).
The Culture
Infosys tried to preserve the attributes of a small company and worked in
small groups, with decision-making remaining with those who were
knowledgeable about particular processes. The managers played the role of
mentors and used their experience to guide their team members...
The Challenges
With the IT industry growing at a rapid pace, Infosys planned to recruit
around 25,000 people in the financial year 2006-07, in order to maintain
its growth. Though it had started hiring its workforce globally, it
mainly recruited engineering graduates from India. If the industry
continued to grow at a similar pace, analysts opined that companies like
Infosys would not be able to find enough people, especially with several
multinationals entering India and recruiting aggressively. To address
this issue, Infosys started recruiting science graduates with a
mathematics background to create an alternate talent pool... |
Exhibit I: Best Companies to Work for in India (2001-05)
Exhibit II: Infosys - Awards and Recognition
Exhibit III: Infosys - Number of Employees (1995-2006)
Exhibit IV: Infosys - Other Recruitment Programs
Exhibit V: Infosys - Five Year Financial Highlights (US GAAP)
Exhibit VI: Infosys Fresh Recruits Training - Best Practices
Exhibit VII: Project Management: Behavioral and Technical Competencies
Exhibit VIII: Infosys - The Nine Pillars
Exhibit IX: Retention Levels (2006)