Human Resource Management: Best Practices in Infosys Technologies
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB090
Case Length : 24 Pages
Period : 1995-2006
Organization : Infosys Technologies
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : India/Global
Industry : Software
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The HR Practices
Most of the HR practices of Infosys were a result of the
vision of its founders and the culture that they had created over the years. The
founders advocated simplicity and maintained the culture of a small company. The
employees were encouraged to share their learning experiences...
While recruiting new employees, Infosys took adequate care to identify the right
candidates. On the qualities that Infosys looked for in a candidate, Nilekani
said, "We focus on recruiting candidates who display a high degree of 'learnability.'
By learnability we mean the ability to derive generic knowledge from specific
experiences and apply the same in new situations.
We also place significant importance on professional competence and academic
excellence. Other qualities we look for are analytical ability, teamwork and
leadership potential, communication and innovation skills, along with a
practical and structured approach to problem solving."
Training at Infosys was an ongoing process. When new recruits from colleges
joined Infosys, they were trained through fresher training courses. They
were trained then on new processes and technologies. As they reached the
higher levels, they were trained on project management and later were sent
for management development programs, followed by leadership development
Training New Recruits
Infosys conducted a 14.5 week technical training program for all new
entrants. The company spent around Rs 200,000 per year on training each
new entrant. The new recruits were trained at the Global Education
Center (GEC) in Mysore, which had world class training facilities and
the capacity to train more than 4500 employees at a time. GEC, which was
inaugurated in February 2005 was spread over 270 acres and was the
largest corporate training center in the world with 58 training rooms
and 183 faculty rooms... |
Training Programs for Employees
Infosys also conducted training programs for experienced employees. The company had a competency system in place which took into account individual performance, organizational priorities, and feedback from the clients...
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