The Corporate Glass Ceiling
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"Those who complain about glass ceilings should keep in mind that glass can be shattered if one strikes it hard enough and long enough.” - Russel Madden.1 "The glass ceiling that's holding women executives back is not just above them, it's all around them, in the whole structure of the organization: the beams, the walls, the very air...most of the barriers that persist today are insidious - a revolution couldn't find them to blast them away.” - Debra Meyerson and Joyce K. Fletcher.2 "People often say there is a glass ceiling. And my reflection on that is, it's just a thick layer of men.” - Laura Liswood, Secretary General of the Council of Woman World Leaders. The 'Glass Ceiling' Breaks
She also ranked 31 in the Fortune's Power Fifty,5 2001. Other examples included Kalpana Morparia, Senior General Manager (Legal), ICICI and Gayathri Parathasarthy Head, Development Integration Services, a SBU for the IT services division at i-Flex Solutions. Indian women achieved top management positions in corporates outside India as well.
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1] A fiction and non-fiction writer, Russel Madden
has a Master's degree in Communication Studies and a Bachelor's degree in
Communication Studies and general studies from the University of Iowa. One of
his popular books, 'The Greatest Good', is based on politics and ethics. |
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