Henry Ford - A Great Innovator
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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN025
Case Length : 13 Pages
Period : 1903
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Ford Motor Corporation Industry : Automobile
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"I will build a motor car for the multitude. It shall
be large enough for the family, but small enough for the unskilled individual to
operate easily and care for, and it shall be light in weight and it may be
economical in maintenance. It will be built of honest materials, by the best
workmen that money can hire, after the simplest designs that modern engineering
can devise. But it shall be so low in price that the man of moderate means may
own one and enjoy with his family the blessings of happy hours spent in God's
great open spaces."1
- Vision of Henry Ford (1903).
"Ford's action transformed American industrial
- Peter Drucker, economist and management guru.
"There was no way to escape the fact that Henry Ford
was the great business impresario of his era - or any era for that matter."3
- Douglas Brinkley, author, Wheels for the World.
In November 1999, Fortune magazine named Henry Ford (Ford), founder of the Ford
Motor Company (Ford Co.)4 as the
'Businessman of the 20th Century.' Ford was accorded this honor for transforming
the lives of billions of people and revolutionizing the automobile world by
creating a car which was affordable to the common working middle class. Ford was
chosen ahead of three other finalists - Alfred Sloan Jr. (General Motors),
Thomas Watson (IBM), and Bill Gates (Microsoft) - as the 20th century business
leader. Sheryl James (James), Detroit Free Press, reporter, feature writer, and
winner of the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing (journalism), said, "Ford
Motor Co.'s founder was a charismatic risk-taker who relentlessly pursued his
In December 1999, Ford was named the 'Automotive Entrepreneur of the Century'
by the Car of the Century (COTC) International panel of journalists and
historians for his invaluable contributions to the world and in particular
to the field of automobile manufacturing.
Dick Holzhaus, founder, COTC International (Netherlands), commented, "The
twentieth century can, in retrospect, be regarded as the 'century of the
car' - a revolution of technology and lifestyle. In this revolution, Ford
Motor Company paved the way both as a manufacturer and as an industry
leader. It was Henry Ford's vision to give people unprecedented mobility
that changed the lives of millions throughout the world."6
These awards and recognitions were in recognition of Ford's invaluable
contributions to the automobile industry. Ford was credited with enhancing
the standards of living of people with his inventions like the quadricycle
and the Ford Model T, and his use of the assembly-line production approach
in the early 1900s... |
Henry Ford - A Great Innovator
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