Haldiram's Group - Seeking the 'Right' Marketing Mix
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG048
Case Length : 10 Pages
Period : 1990-2003
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Haldiram Group
Industry : Ready to Eat Snack Foods
Countries : India
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.

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Excerpts Contd...
Haldiram's product promotion had been low key until competition intensified in the snack foods market. The company tied with 'Profile Advertising' for promoting its products. Consequently, attractive posters, brochures and mailers were designed to enhance the visibility of the Haldiram's brand...
The above initiatives helped Haldiram's to uniquely position its brand. Haldiram's also gained an edge over its competitors by minimizing promotion costs.
Appreciating the company's efforts at building brand, an analyst said, "Haldiram once was just another sweet maker but it has moved into trained brands first by improving the product quality and packaging.
Through its clever products and brilliant distribution it had moved into the star category of brands."...
The Road Ahead
In the financial year 2001-2002, the combined turnover of all three units of Haldiram's was estimated at Rs.
4 billion. The company targeted a growth of 15% for the financial year 2002-2003. Analysts felt that, given the competition in the industry, Haldiram's needed to develop new initiatives achieve this growth.
The competition in the ready-to-eat snack foods market in India was intensifying. Frito Lay India Ltd. (Frito Lay), one of Haldiram's
major competitors, was expanding its market share. Instead of directly competing with the market leader Haldiram's, the company launched innovative products in the market and backed them with heavy publicity...
Exhibit I: Product Range of Haldiram's Group