Indian Customers' Expectations on New Generation Cars
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The company was one of India's leading suppliers of automotive components. With a turnover of more than US$ 50 million, it employed a total workforce of around 300. The company, which had charted a steady growth in terms of expansion, had four plants. It operated in diverse fields ranging from two-wheeler and automotive component manufacturing to automotive dealerships, finance, and electronics... Marketing Research at GnextMeanwhile, Rakesh wanted to conduct marketing research on the attitude of the existing car customers attitude toward new generation cars. Based on the existing cars with different specifications, Rakesh thought that Factor Analysis would help him find out the different groups of customers and the reasons causing the purchase variables... Time to Take a DecisionRakesh summarized the collected responses to proceed for the Analysis. Now, the challenge before him was to analyze the data and arrive at vital decisions regarding the underlying benefits consumers were looking for from a new generation car. Based on the Analysis, the company would devise its strategy to design its new car in India. Exhibits
Exhibit I: Summary of Survey Responses
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