Perfetti Van Melle: Marketing Mentos in India
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“To consolidate its worldwide market presence, Perfetti Van Melle has always paid special attention to advertising, in terms of investments and creativity, as they both play a vital role in the creation of a product's distinctive personality and market positioning. For Perfetti Van Melle, advertising is not simply means to access; it is one of the most important strategic development levers. Television, radio, press, Internet; Perfetti Van Melle has in depth knowledge of the contemporary media, effectively differentiating their use according to their specific target groups, as well as customs and conditions in each particular country.”1 - Perfetti Van Melle. “The challenge is that in every piece of work that you do, across brands, has to be clutter breaking… in budgets that are very, very little. Our annual budgets would be less than what a beverage company would spend in a single month. And that puts so much pressure on us in terms of doing advertising, which is recalled through the course of the year. And if you start using the same fabric of advertising across all your brands, then every brand will start looking like each other. Hence it becomes a tough call again.”2 - Sameer Suneja, Head of Marketing3, Perfetti Van Melle (India) Pvt. Ltd., in 2007. Creating Endearment through AdvertisingPerfetti Van Melle: Marketing Mentos in India - Next Page>>
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