Pricing Fuzeon - Cost of Innovation?
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG121
Case Length : 28 Pages
Period : 1990 - 2006
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Trimeris Inc. and Roche
Industry : Pharmaceutical and Healthcare
Countries : USA, Europe
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Marketing Initiatives
Fuzeon was launched at the International AIDS Society (IAS) conference in Paris in July 2003. Prior to the launch, Trimeris and Roche used the services of Ignite Health to develop a pre-launch website,, with the objective of educating PLWHA about Fuzeon and preparing healthcare professionals treating PLWHA for the launch of Fuzeon. was later changed to
The Fuzeon Arcade, comprising 1980s-style arcade games mixed with important product messages and trivia, was created as the final closing act of Roche's national sales meeting to get the sales team excited about the upcoming FDA approval of Fuzeon.
Those who scored the highest were presented with Sony Playstations (Refer to Exhibit IX for Promoting Fuzeon). Initially Bioscrip Inc. (Bioscrip) was appointed as the exclusive pharmacy source for Fuzeon in the US and Canada. Roche announced a "Progressive Distribution Program" which included reimbursement assistance programs for patients who could not afford Fuzeon...
Future Outlook
Although Fuzeon had crossed the US$ 200 million mark in worldwide sales, this figure was still well below the expected figures. According to some analysts, Roche and Trimeris had not addressed the key problem of price.
The high price of Fuzeon compared to other anti-HIV drug treatments, was affecting the demand for it.
Higher prices could also limit Roche and Trimeris's ability to receive reimbursement coverage for Fuzeon from third-party payers, such as private or government insurance programs.
But some analysts believed that Roche was unlikely to bring down the price of Fuzeon significantly to make it more accessible.
Roche had recognized that it could afford to set such a high price point because Fuzeon was an innovation in the field of anti-AIDS drugs... |
Exhibits I: Roche's Three Year Financial Summary
Exhibits II: Overview of the Relationship between Trimeris and Roche
Exhibits III: Different Brands of Antiretroviral Drugs and How They Act
Exhibits IV: List of Some High Priced Aids Drugs*
Exhibits V: Protests against Pricing of Fuzeon
Exhibits VI: Fuzeon - Studies Supported by Public Funds*
Exhibits VII: Trimeris Monthly Share Price (US$) - The Year of Fuzeon
Exhibits VIII: Promoting Fuzeon
Exhibits IX: Advertising Awards Won by the Fuzeon Campaign
Exhibits X: Current and Future Fuzeon Clinical Trials
Exhibits XI: Competition for Fuzeon