Satyam Iway - Changing the Indian Internet Browsing Experience
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG035
Case Length : 15 Pages
Period : 1987 - 2002
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Satyam Infoway Ltd.
Industry : ITES
Countries : India
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Not Just Another Browsing Center! Contd...
iWay customers were also provided many value-added services such as pizza delivery in their cubicle. Within a few years of its launch, iWay became a nationally recognized brand. New centers were set up on a regular basis in many cities across the country. Considering the limited Internet user base in India, Sify seemed to have hit on an idea with good business potential.
The company's rapid expansion was commendable given the fact that per hour browsing charges at iWay were much higher than in the unorganized sector players. Industry observers also felt that iWay was expanding too fast, considering the limited Internet user base in India.
Background Note
Satyam was established in 1987 by Ramalinga Raju (Raju) who became the company's chairman in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). The company went public in 1991. Over the next few years, Satyam emerged as one of India's leading software companies and became one of the country's largest software exporters.
The company offered services to clients through a mix
of offshore, on-site and off-site facilities.Its activities included software development, systems integration, enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions and web-centric solutions.
Satyam provided a wide range of offshore services at the lower end as well as at the higher end (technological services).
At the lower end, the services provided included re-engineering of legacy applications, transferring mainframe applications to client server applications, and converting algorithms written in older languages to latest languages. At the higher end, the services included creating applications for telecom industry, networking technologies and engineering services. |
Satyam set up overseas software development centers in the US, Japan, Singapore and the UK. These centers worked as IT partners for over 140 multinational companies worldwide. Satyam had partnerships with the best of enterprise technology vendors like Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Siebel, i2 Technologies, Ariba, Vitria, IBM Lotus, Exterprise, Hummingbird, Documentum, Epicentric, MatrixOne, Vignette and CommerceOne...
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