Global Business Environment

Pages : 512;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
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<< Chapter 5
Political Environment in Developed Countries : Chapter 6
A study of the political environment of eight of the most powerful and most developed nations in the world, gives us an idea as to the direction in which the rest of the world is heading. These nations indirectly control the policymaking and exert considerable influence over the rest of the world. For example, no- country could stop the United States and the United Kingdom from waging a war against Iraq, although no country agreed with them! That is the extent of power that these countries wield.
It is also important to understand the political leaders and political pressure groups within each of these countries. These are the people who control their country's progress and direction. One must keep in mind that it is the political structure of a country that defines the development of the country's economic, social and cultural framework.
Political Environment in Developed Countries- An Overview
Political Environment in the United States of America
Democratic Party
Republican Party
Vice President
Federal Reserve Board
Recent Developments in the US
Political Environment in Japan: Liberal Democratic Party
Democratic Party of Japan
New Komeito
Japan Communist Party (JCP)
The Liberal Party
Prime Minister
Japan's Foreign Relations
Political Environment in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Social Democratic Party or SPD
Alliance '90
Christian Democratic Union or CDU and Christian Social Union or CSU
Free Democratic Party or FDP
Vice chancellor
Trade unions / Labor
Unification of East and West Germany
Challenges being faced by Germany
Communist Party or "Parti Communiste Francais" (PCF)
Liberal Democracy or "Démocratie Libérale" (DL)
Rally for the Republic or "Rassemblement pour la République" (RPR)
Socialist Party or "Parti Socialiste" (PS)
Union for French Democracy or "Union pour la Démocratie Française" (UDF)
Union for the Presidential Majority (UPM)
Prime Minister
Jean-Marie Le Pen
Trade Unions
Employers' Union (Mouvement des Entreprises de France) or MEDEF
France's Firm Stand on Iraq War
Conservative and Unionist Party
Labour Party
Liberal Democratic Party
Prime Minister
National Farmers' Union
Confederation of British Industry
Trades Union Congress: Liberal Party
Bloc Quebecois
Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance
New Democratic Party
Progressive Conservative Party
Prime Minister
Political Environment In Italy
Democratic Party of the left (PDS) or Partito Democratico della Sinistra
Go Italy or Forza Italia
National Alliance or Alleanza Nazionale
Northern League or Lega Nord
Prime Minister
Political Environment in Australia
Australian Democrats
Australian Labor Party
Australian Greens
Liberal Party
The Nationals
One Nation Party
Organized Labor
Prime Minister
Key Issues Facing Australia
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