Global Business Environment

Pages : 512;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
Available only in INDIA
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<< Chapter 1
Process of Globalization : Chapter 2
Globalization can be traced to times when Buddhism spread from India to China in Ist century AD. That was when cultural links between both countries were established. By 1300 AD, the Song Dynasty in China linked Europe and China by land and sea across Eurasia and the Indian Ocean. The year 1300 saw the creation of the Ottoman Empire which spanned Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, and connected the dynasties in Central Asia and India. This led to the expansion of trading activities between Europe and Asia. By 1300, networks of trade ran from England to China, France, Italy, across the Mediterranean to Egypt, and then to Central Asia (the Silk Route). The trade in commodities continued well into the 17th century. By 1800, the Atlantic and Indian Ocean systems were connected to one another through the flow of commodities and by the operations of the British, French, and Dutch overseas companies.
Process of Globalization- An Overview
Historical Perspective of Globalization
Early records of globalization
Trade in Eurasia
The European Seaborne Empires
Early Modern World Economy
The Formation of National Economies
Industrial Capital
Technological Developments
Declining Trade and Investment Barriers
Regional Economic Integration in North America
Regional Economic Integration in Europe
Need to globalize
Imperfections in Products Factors of Production, Technology
Life Cycle of Products
Macro forces of globalization
The MNE and the competitive advantage of nations
The Stages of Development of a Transnational Corporation
Challenges of globalization
Customer centricity in globalization; Customer value expectations
Global customization
Global customer loyalty
The Metanational corporation.
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