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Dotcom Marketing in India
The Dotcom Marketing ManiaBy the late 1990s, there were hundreds of dotcoms in India each vying for the surfer. There was a difference between the ads of FMCGs and the dotcoms. While FMCGs were branded to ‘Come and check my site out first!' And the branding of dotcoms seemed to be difficult as everyone was trying to do the same. Most of the dotcoms seemed to have the necessary technology and the financial muscle (Refer Table II for ad spends of major dotcoms). What seemed to be needed most was differentiation. To achieve this, the dotcom companies depended heavily on advertisements. TABLE II
Source: Business Today, June 7, 2000.
Others felt that most of it was "Hello! I am a dotcom" kind of advertising. Some of ad lines were: "Free E-Mail" (Zeenext): "India's most happening chat site" (123 India.com), "Its all about money, honey" (5paisa.com).
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